Foaled approximately 1986
15.3 hh Appaloosa Mare
This is sweet Allie, a 25+ year old Appaloosa mare. Allie is blind in her right eye, and thin, but otherwise sound. She came to TGC when her owner passed away. The owner's boyfriend was unable to keep Allie and her daughter, Comet (age 20), and asked for help. He gave a financial donation, and a bunch of pipe corral and tack with Allie and Comet. I think he should be admired for doing this, as these mares were not his - it would have been easy for him to send them to auction. But at their ages, with their disabilities, they certainly would have headed to slaughter. Thank you, Fred, for your kindness!
Here are Allie's feet, before and after. Wow, you'd be amazed at how well she moved on these superlong toes!
(Yes, you'll see barbed wire in several of these pics - the fencing at her previous home was barbed wire, T-posts and electrified.)
Fred indicated that at one time, Allie was a racehorse! I will try to find out more about that. In the meantime, Allie has shown herself to be well trained and kind, but more submissive than her daughter, and a little overwhelmed by all of these changes in her life. I see a slight depression in her, at the loss of her human friend. Here Comet is getting lots of attention from the geldings, so Allie is quick to approach a kind voice, and appreciate some pets. I had to separate her and Comet in the evenings, because Comet is pretty fat, and Allie is pretty thin. Hopefully, I can balance that out a bit.
She's got Peanut's sweet nature and good coloring; but Chacha's horrible broomtail. And she's just a love!
Allie has a sponsor! Happily, Marilyn Braly has stepped up to sponsor Allie from June 22, 2011 to June 21, 2012. THANK YOU Marilyn for helping this deserving mare!
© 2011 - The Golden Carrot is a 501c3 public benefit charity