21 year old argentine thoroughbred mare
Arrived TGC 2/7/16
Gamut has been a Stanford Polo pony for many years. She was a very hot and fiery mare, especially on the field, and taught many students how to play.
She was completely retired from polo after an old tendon injury resurfaced, although is currently serviceably sound. The reason I was given as to why she needed a new home, after such a history, was "The SPC is a nonprofit and unfortunately doesn't have the resources to keep retired and hard-to-place horses indefinitely."
She came to me through Polo Pony Rescue, who Stanford contacted directly. When she arrived here, I was surprised that she came with NOTHING - no information about her condition, vaccinations, worming, the injury she had (when it occurred, what was done, the vet's diagnosis etc). I'm happy to report that on our FB page, a lovely woman, Laura H., mentioned how happy she was that Gamut had made a soft landing, and with her help, I hope to get answers to those questions - and in addition, she personally has committed a small monthly amount for Gamut's care! Just like people, as horses go through life, they make friends, some better friends than others, who stick with them. I'm so glad to welcome Laura to the Golden Carrot's family of sponsors! Gamut is a darling - I'm hoping she'll get more sponsorship in the coming months.