Apollo's Star ("Polly")
19 Y/O OTTB Chesnut Mare
Arrived March 2016
Foaled May 1997
Polly was part of a 24 horse seizure by Animal Services from a breeding operation in Nuevo, CA. Left behind were 16 "stallions, in pretty good shape". The broodmares were all seized, housed at several different shelters, and deemed 'rescue only' due to their terrible shape. Many were body scores 2.
Polly never raced, although she was tattooed, and we speculate a training accident due to an old injury to her right knee, and something wrong in her low back. But she moves well on her own and it's possible with some treatment, she could carry a small rider. But once she was injured, she went to this breeding operation, producing four foals, three of whom have raced (I'm thinking it's possible her last foal born 8 years ago is still among those '16 stallions' left behind).
At any rate, she was very very thin and clearly exhausted when she arrived. My farriers were here and so we tended to her awful feet right away. She is very herd savvy, and cruised out amongst the herd without distress. Her first vet visit revealed a super long tooth at the front of her grinding teeth, which are offset a bit. It was impinging on her lower jaw, making it next to impossible for her to grind anything. Dr. Z was able to bring that down enough to help, but she will need to be floated again next October to get it more normal.
This is Polly about a month after she arrived. While still thin, when you know she lost a HUGE THICK haircoat, and you look at the shoulder and hip, you can see she's gaining weight well.
She's friendly to all, but I'm seeing a preference for the mares - particularly our little Glory. But we need to give her some time to become more healthy. She could use sponsors - can you see your way clear to help this sweet mare?
I'm happy report that Polly now has a part sponsor for July 2016 to June 2017. Thank you, Elizabeth/Julie, for stepping up for Polly! I'm hopeful some more folks will join with you to help our girl. Annnnd Dawna stepped in with a part sponsorship as well! YAY! But Polly needs a good $100 a month more just to cover her feed... enough people giving $10/month could take care of that... Hint Hint! :-D