
Morgan/Percheron mare

Foaled approx 1998

Passed away July 30, 2022


Mrs. Beezlee is an approximately 19 year old mare, used for the last 10 years in a therapy  lesson program.  

She's got some definite arthritis in her knees and hocks, and may have Cushings. She's overweight, but hopefully moving around here with her friends will help that a little. She seems younger, less certain, than 19 would indicate, but has found a friend in Charlie Tuck, who came on the trailer with her, and has become comfortable in the herd.


She's a good sport, as these pictures will show, although very aware of her enormous size and perfectly willing to walk thru anyone when she's at liberty. However, when a halter is in place, she's a doll.

Dear Beezelee, despite 10 years of service as a therapy riding horse, comes with no support whatsoever.  She could sure use a sponsor of her own.  Can you consider sponsoring Mrs. Beezelee?