21 Y/O Quarterhorse mare

Arrived TGC 6/13/24


This is what information I was given for Maddie:

Maddie is a palomino QH-type mare, approximately 20 years old. She has been under my care for 10 years, coming to the ranch in 2014. Prior to coming to my ranch she had been ridden for light trail riding.

In early 2015 she kicked at a horse in the neighboring corral and caught her rear leg in a metal rail fence. She was diagnosed with a fractured pelvis, but years later another diagnosis said she tore her hamstring muscle. As a result of her injury, she became lame in the rear end with what looks somewhat like stringhalt, but most likely is a result of a torn hamstring muscle and resultant adhesions/scar tissue and lameness. She has difficulty walking, but moves better at a trot and lope. It is important that she has access to areas where she can move as much as possible.

She has had yearly dental work and regular (8-week cycle) hoof trims. Most recent dental was November 2023. Most recent hoof trim was 5/13/24. I do not routinely vaccinate or worm horses, so she has not been vaccinated since she has been under my care.

She is a very easy keeper, is overweight, and while currently is not on any medications, she can benefit from Equioxx and ThyroL. She is overweight and in previous years has tested positive for Insulin Resistance. She is fed Bermuda, Teff, and Orchard hays. Small amount of soaked Timothy pellets with Arizona Copper Complete mixed in. No sweet feeds.

Temperament-wise she is stabled with a Mustang mare, Paige, and has been for 9 years. They get along beautifully. Maddie is dominant in the pecking order. She has no vices. She is very easy to handle on the ground. Not needle-adverse.

Maddie is a sweet and lovely horse, and she deserves a chance to live out her life in peace.