15.2 hh Arabian-TB X (perhaps)
Foaled approximately 1987
Arrived TGC 10/14/12
Passed away 9/2/17
Goodbye to Lester

This is the darling Lester. While the shelter told us he was only 12, in fact our vet ages him more like 24+. Poor Lester's hind fetlocks are already dropping. In addition, I saw lots of stiffness in his walk on his first day here, and he had a lot of trouble picking his hind legs up for the farrier. He has great feet, and is extremely sweet. He's thin, sensitive, emotional, and quite attached to Diamond. In the picture below, that's him on the right.
He's supposed to be an Arab Thoroughbred cross, called "Anglo-Arabs". But the only arabian part is that pretty face, and his sweetness with people.
I'll be having Lester's hind end checked by Laurie in a week; he's already seen the farrier, and the vet will be out to do evaluations on him and the two other Castaic rescues. I hope to have more, hopefully good news, then.
He's too thin. But Montego's top line looked like this when he came in, and you can hardly recognize him now. I hope we can make a difference for this gentle lovebug.

This is Lester about a month after he came in to TGC.
If you would like to help meet Lester's needs, please contact Casey at cocarrot@earthlink.net or simply go to our Donate/Sponsor page and set up whatever kind of donation you can commit to ....