Chestnut Quarterhorse gelding
Foaled approximately 1970

Sweet Sarge (left) December 2010 on arrival at TGC.
Sarge, formerly known as “Haas” at Heavenly Horse Haven, came to TGC as part of my recent work with HHH. Gina, at HHH, does adopt horses out, so when a horse like Sarge comes along, in his 30s and with a swayback making him hard to place, Gina talks me into taking him, so she can have a space for a younger more adoptable horse.
Sarge came to HHH through Animal Services, who were called to find Sarge abandoned to die, without food or water, in the Norco Riverbed; I can never understand the callousness of people. Now, during his time at HHH, Gina discovered that Sarge may have been a charro rodeo horse, of all things! She reported that when she tapped on the back of his fetlocks (to get him to lift his foot), instead he moved his front feet further and further forward, assuming a position like a dog at play with his butt in the area and his chest almost on the ground! This is used in charro rodeos to make it easy for a rider to mount, and then Sarge had to lever his own body mass AND a rider up! Unbelievable… except for this – look at Sarge’s butt – note the excessive muscular development right at the base of his spine! (looks like butt pads!) Poor old guy – my words to people who need this are – get a life, and a mounting block!

Look at those butt pads! Probably make him seem more swaybacked than he is.

Sarge inspects Lou for hay scraps
Sarge is a sweet guy – very cooperative and kind. My volunteer Anji had a nice little ride on him already. He’s very nice with other horses too, not taking any crap but hanging out and enjoying a little play.
Here Sarge and Pepe play;
below, Sarge guards Comet and Allie

I hope that someone will step up and help sponsor poor old Sarge in his final years. Dr. Z sez he’s definitely well into his 30s so its hard to say how much time he has left.
Since the passing of his ladies Allie and Comet, Sarge has chosen to guard Cassidy, a beautiful and excitable TB mare! She keeps him moving!
Julie C. has stepped up with a partial sponsorship for Sarge. Thanks, Julie! In addition, Hanna Northrup has giving a partial sponsorship so that about 2/3rds of his needs every month are now met. Thank you Hanna!
Please help Julie, Hanna and TGC make his golden years truly golden!
If you’d like to co-sponsor Sarge, or any other Golden Carrot horse, please contact Casey!