30 something Arabian Mare - Grayed with chestnut freckles
Died April 28, 2012
Goodbye to Lola
This is little Lola. Lola is an elderly Arabian mare with blindness in her left eye (probably from trauma). She's smart, and brave, and knows her name! Lola was owned by a local couple. Horribly, they were both killed when a drunk driver came into their lane of travel and hit them headon. Their children don't have facilities or know-how to care for horses, and have spent some time placing the two riding horses they owned. The couple had taken in Lola to pony their grandchildren around, and with her age and disabilities, the kids were afraid she would end up in a bad situation. They asked TGC to provide Lola with some final golden years, and provided a financial donation which will cover her expenses for a year. This donation was made in memory of their parents, Carlos and Laurie Castro, who died May 6, 2011.
In her first turnout, Lola simply trotted right out to meet everyone. She showed great poise, wandered around and checked everything out. No one approached her, and she didn't approach them. Turns out, she is a lot like Silver (another little white Arabian) - doesnt' have a lot of use for other horses, is very people oriented. So, I placed Silver next to her, and kept my fingers crossed. Seems like they are "hooking up"!
You can see the bite marks Lola sustained on her third day from someone mean enough to come at her on her blind side! Silver will help prevent that - she hasn't had any new bite marks since they became friends. Dr. Z sez she'll need some dental work. She's missing a couple of molars, which means the opposing molars are growing long and almost meeting the gums. So, we need to take those down so that her mouth will close properly. She is getting a morning bucket, like Buddy, as she doesn't seem to have interest in the bermuda grass....
© 2011 - The Golden Carrot is a 501c3 public benefit charity