Some Helpful Linksd.
This wonderful supplement has been of great help to The Golden Carrot horses, as well as myself. Please read about Chia on the website. In particular, I've found it to be of invaluable help in dropping weight from my fat ponies, and in controlling cranky mares, and those horses who are restless and figety in their stalls. The horses eat it up!
purchase your horse or dog and cat supplies, and a percentage of your purchase goes to TGC.
I use this site all the time - prices are great!
Title: American Horseback Riding Camps Directory
Description: A directory of horseback riding camps in United States that are systematically categorized in major states and cities in the country.
If you e-Bay, and would like to help the horses of The Golden Carrot, we are registered with MissionFish, the charitable arm of e-Bay. Look for our listing, and designate TGC as a beneficiary of a portion of your profit when you sell online!
Reading List
There is always more to know - keep learning!
Centered Riding, by Sally Swift
Centered Riding 2, by Sally Swift
Physical Therapy and Massage for the Horse, Jean-Marie Denoix and Jean-Pierre Pailloux
The Lame Horse, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment, Dr. James R. Rooney
The Tellington TTouch, Linda Tellington-Jones with Sybil Taylor
Amateur Horseman's Theory and Practical Textbook, Margaret Clarke
Basic Horsemanship, English and Western, Eleanor F. Prince and Gaydel M. Collier
Hands-On Senior Horse Care, Karen E.N. Hayes, DVM and Sue Copeland
Understanding The Older Horse, Robert E. Holand, DVM
Horses are Made to be Horses, Franz Mairinger
Horse Care Tips from A-Z, Equus Reference guide
Investigating Lameness Equus Stable Reference guide
There are No Problem Horses, only problem riders (Mary Twelveponies)
Horse Structure and Movement, Smythe & Goody, revised by Peter Gray MVB MRCVS