29 year old chestnut Appendix QH
17.1 hh
Arrived 7/1/11
Foaled approximately 1981
Deceased 9/3/13
Spencer is an owner-surrender. Megan was in tears as she left, as Spencer was her first horse. She sent this picture, on the left, and wrote about him as follows:
I currently have a twenty nine year old Appendix gelding, Spencer, who needs a good home. He used to be a jumper, and has shown third level dressage. He is very sweet and loves to give kisses. He has been out in pasture weaning babies for the past few years. He developed a pinched nerve in his back, so he cannot be ridden in a saddle. He's usually OK bareback in a hackamore. He was my first horse and means a lot to me. I'm nineteen and currently paying for college and my horses. With all of those bills, I just can't keep him anymore.
I want to encourage owners to find a rescue to take their horse, instead of simply sending them off to auction and all that may follow that. Megan did a good job keeping this older horse in good shape, and tried hard to find a rescue to take him, being rejected several times because he WASN'T starved or abused! This older guy would be so vulnerable in an auction situation. And Megan and her family are going to ante up about a 3/4 sponsorship monthly for him, as well as donating 3 winter blankets.
Please consider sending $5 or $10 a month to help Spencer. He's a big guy, and will need more than his former owners can do just to be well fed. Remember, whatever we think of the reasons an owner has for surrendering their horse, it's the HORSE we're here to help. And this owner has tried to do the right thing by an older and disabled horse, who really stands no chance of a good home from auction. Let's try to give Spencer a few golden years being a horse, with maybe a little light work if Laurie Henkel is able to find and help his pinched nerve...and a dignified respectful end, which I hope will be some years off!
Update 7/7/11 Laurie found a sensitive spot in the center of his back, but no malalignment; she did see his left hip was lower than the right and was able to adjust that up a little. Meantime, he badly cut his right hip, and after a vet visit to clean and debride the wound, it's healing well. Between the vet, the farrier and the chiro, his expenses are already almost twice his sponsorship already, without a bite to eat!
He also became deeply attached to Debbie in her final week of life; clearly tried to protect her from the other horses, unfortunately including Mary! His heart was in the right place, he was very anxious for her, and has been distraught since her passing on February 25.
Update 9/11 - For some reason, Spencer has taken a shine to ... Shine!! He's standing by Shine's side each day, and escorting Shine to his stall each night. How odd! And they're a handsome pair too!
Early in 2012, Spencer had a few bad days and for some reason, chose to hang with Brave - not sure how that came about. But Hershey had a few days off, and it was clear that Brave and Spencer had a bond at least for that short period of time. It gives me hope for Brave - when all his safety resided in one elderly old QH, he was more at risk. Spencer is a caretaker, alright!
Please consider helping this kind horse; even a part sponsorship from enough people will make his golden years golden!
© 2011 - The Golden Carrot is a 501c3 public benefit charity