"coming" 5 years old early August 2017
Breed undetermined at this point
Saban is a young horse, first bought at auction by HiCaliber Horse Rescue in January of 2017. Our understanding is that he was a stud, and HCHR had him gelded immediately.
At auction
At training
In late April or early May, he went for training, and came back with an un-healing wound at his TMJ, which eventually required him to go to the San Luis Rey Equine Hospital.
Returned to HCHR with this
There, his guardian angel Pam S., made arrangements to get him the surgery he needed to clean infection out of that joint. Saban came to our facility at Pam's request.
This young horse had a 'rep' as being hostile, biting, kicking, striking and rearing. We have not seen that horse.
Perhaps having the infection treated properly eliminated a pain situation to which he responded aggressively. At any rate, he's adorable and kind, and more than intimidated by our herd.
Saban is dear to me as he is almost the age Gio was when he came to TGC. We're not used to youngsters here ... and they can present different issues. Of course we don't know Saban's history before auction, so we have no idea what his training may be. But he leads willingly; loaded into the trailer in 3 minutes; has been gentle around children and very affectionate with people, men and women. He's still under post-op care (pain meds for inflammation; antibios; special extra feed to get his weight up) but he's been lovely. A super kind boy. We want to do the DNA testing to see if we can get a handle on his breed, and give him some time to acclimate to our herd and routines. He could use some sponsorship .... can you spare a few dollars a month to help?
Goofy boy seeks out shade, and clearly has no issues with power equipment!