Grey gelding, foaled approximately 1996

 Arrived TGC February 2018



This is Galahad, an approximately 22 year old grey gelding, with no real history. He's just a little (barely) sway backed.  He was facing euthanasia but there's no real reason for that.  Our vet and farrier believe he has many good years left in him but agree that due to his age and some arthritis, only a knowledgeable horse home could get any fair, and easy, work out of him.  So, he's retired with us instead!


Here he is, friendly with his stallmate Monopoly


He's clever - one of those horses who looks right at you - and he tests a little to see if you know your stuff.  But once he knows you do, he's a doll.  Smart too - usually the very first horse back on the main stall line, as he loves his pelleted feed (his teeth aren't too bad but the pellet buckets are the more nutritious and tasty feed we offer, and has the carrots as well)


He's a clever calm guy, giving the impression he's been there, and done that. You can see he's already enjoying the place .... 



Here's Galahad in August - he's joined the mini-herd of Ashley, her donks, Thunder, Blue, and Monopoly.  Normally the only calm easy to handle one, he gets pretty upset if he goes in for dinner, and then realized none of THEM did!

As well as no history to speak of, Galahad has NO support.  I'm hopeful someone will step up with at least a small monthly donation to help cover his costs. Could that be you?