Silver Mystic
14 hh Grey (Flea-bitten) Purebred Arabian Gelding
Foaled 3/26/84

Silver Mystic (left) December 2010
Silver Mystic is a 26 year old owner-surrender, who appears to be in perfect health. He’s very shy with other horses, but purported to be “dead-broke”.
Right now, Silver has to adjust to life at TGC, including being part of a herd.
Silver came to TGC with all four shoes, as his owners claimed he was a pacer (a problem they apparently have with a lot of horses). But so far, he hasn’t paced here – I think he has a little more to do and room to move normally. He’s a cutie, isn’t he?
He stands alone at first, but is starting to join his little herd
I was worried at first, he seemed so distant from the other horses. But yesterday (12/19/10) I watched him thunder around with the herd, ending up playing a little bite my face and standing side by side with Pepe…. He’s starting to adjust.
Silver has begun to adjust nicely to the herd, and he and I have a routine each night. He and Sarge live in two stalls that are separate from the others, and outside the arena area. So they come to the end of the arena and wait to be led into their stalls. But they're both such good boys, I decided to just open the gate and see if they would go into their stalls alone.... and they do! Feed is a strong lure .....

But lately, Silver plays with me a little - he will go into Sarge's stall .... and over by the oak tree .... and run behind the stalls and down into the dry streambed .... and otherwise pretend he's free... But feed is a powerful lure ... eventually he just runs into his stall and chows down. All the while, he's watching me, to see if I'm gonna chase him or freak out. I just watch and laugh and wait .... feed is a powerful lure...!
He also frisks on these brisk mornings when I let him out in the arena for breakfast...I think it's time to start working him a little. Although I think I'm waaay too big for him, I may have to throw a leg over and see what he knows.

So it looks like 2011 is Silver's lucky year. April 29, 2011, Julia Brozek visited, and she and Silver fell in LOVE! How cute is this?

Here he is with Julia in the saddle - I think they look so comfortable!
Also, since he's come in, Silver has acquired a fan - the lovely Biscuit! Biscuit adores Silver and follows him everywhere (as Lola did for her very brief stay here). Silver is just that guy - like a tiny, white Fonzie!

Briefly, Silver was sponsored, but no longer. Can you consider helping our old boy?
If you would like to sponsor any other Golden Carrot horse – please contact Casey if you can help!