Reflection's Blue Bayou ("Boo")
12 Year old Spotted Saddle/Tennessee Walker gelding
Foaled approximately 2000
Bayou is an out-going, blue eyed black and white Spotted Saddle/Tennessee Walker gelding, who unfortunately (by MRI) has been diagnosed with wobbler syndrome. It is a very mild case at this point, but makes him a little unsafe for riding. I think a little light trail riding, or leadline work with a small and experienced rider (who can be light in the hands, and not ask for any flexion) might allow Bayou to have some sort of work in his future, but he's probably looking at a long life here at TGC. We don't know what caused the syndrome in him. He could have it genetically (and some very specialized breeding went into producing a horse with this kind of coloring!), he could have had an injury - they even say a Vitamin E deficiency can cause it! At any rate, what it means is he has a lesion at C3-4 which causes him to lose proprioception - that is, he often doesn't know exactly where his hind feet are! When the doc did his tests (before we had the MRI results for him to see) he indicated it's probably mild because if you didn't know about the MRI results, you might think Bayou was just being "cautious" or "careful" about placing his feet. But with the MRI results, and the field tests, he's definitely got it..
In addition Boo has lots of personality, and the typical pony "napoleon" complex! He's tough, and smart and probably a little aggrieved at how other horses in a herd treat him - those blue eyes take a little getting used to, as they make him seem kinda "crazy"! "-) But he's so sweet to people, and LOVES his carrots and treats, and clever - he is a welcome addition to the herd at The Golden Carrot.
Dear Boo was not sponsored for a year, but then, Nancy A stepped up with a part sponsorship! Thanks NANCY! But we could sure use more help for Boo, as he needs his regular chiropractic to keep his Wobbler's from becoming unmanagable. Can you help?