Foaled Approximately 1981
15.1 hand Quarterhorse mare – Chestnut
Topper (that's Prophet behind her, her consort)
This is Topper (left) on her first day at TGC, with her guardian for her first few months, Shine.
Topper was a lesson horse at the stable I used to work and board at in Palos Verdes. As a beginning instructor, I used Topper in my lessons several times. She’d been dumped on the stable, and it was the good fortune of many students at the stable.
Topper worked as a lesson horse for many years and then had the good fortune to be adopted by Nancy Campbell. She took Nancy through some years of lessons, and then made her dissatisfaction with arena work well known. Her increasing arthritis was making the repetitive laps around that arena a real burden, and Nancy realized the time had come to retire Topper. Knowing I had a soft spot for this kind and competent mare, Nancy contacted me, and Topper came to TGC for her golden years. Initially, Shine stepped up to be her guardian, but as the months have passed, it was first Peanut, then Daphmar, and finally, she has settled on Prophet as her boyfriend. However, as photos below will show, she retains a soft spot for Shine, and even enjoys Lew’s company occasionally.
Topper does love to sleep, even while she waits for supper! Shine still loves her! Who can blame him!?
...and here's she's dozing on a winter day in the paddock...
Shine still loves her! Who can blame him!?
But her heart belongs to Prophet now.
Topper is part- sponsored by her former owner, Nancy Campbell and by Irene Jansen. Please contact Casey if you would be interested in helping with Topper’ s sponsorship, or sponsoring any of the horses at The Golden Carrot.