The Golden Carrot Newsletter's Archive
The Golden Carrot
July 2013 Newsletter
Hey, everyone I hope you're enjoying your summer. Here at TGC, it's been a very busy couple of months!
First, new resident, Jordan!
19 year old OTTB, JC name Slewsinthefastlane. You all may remember my fondness for Seattle Slew’s progeny, as I was privileged to be at the 1977 Kentucky Derby when he won. This GIANT boy, Slew’s grandson, who may in fact be 18 hands, is a giant - gentle and a lover, not a fighter. He’d been in a bad situation where a small herd of pony mares routinely kicked the crap out of him, keeping him away from the available food. Below, Fannie tries to befriend this giant.
And this dude is an enormous hayburning machine, so he became thin very quickly. Anna Brouk took him in for a friend, and fed him into very good form, but the friend wasn’t stepping up and Anna couldn’t continue to support him so, he’s come to spend some golden years here at the Golden Carrot.
Jordan needs a sponsor, or two or three, as his feedbill alone is much more than other horses. He’s also arthritic and may be needing additional help in that regard.
"Carrot Annie", our new TRACTOR!
Our friend and volunteer, Katja, came to visit a while ago, and I had her lunging several horses. Here is a link to her blog about her experience with four horses (Pepe and Keller, Dominic (above) and Montego) of wildly different levels of training. It's really interesting to get a different perspective on these horses, I recommend reading it!
Now, I was so pleased with her for this anyway - not just the work with the horses and baths she gave them after, but that she was willing to write about her experiences with these horses. Over the years, I’ve asked people again and again to write about what they see here (doncha get tired of hearing from me? Right?) But no one wanted to do that! NOW, you’re gonna see what a difference it can make - because Katja’s blog posting caught the eye of a very generous donor back East, who first matched donated funds on our Tractor Fundraiser, and then pitched in a large amount to make the purchase of "Carrot Annie" possible!
This tractor is BRAND NEW, with warranties in place, and a local dealer who stands behind it, for repairs and maintenance. And frankly, so far, it’s idiot-proof! I’m not a skilled tractor driver at all, but have been able to work with Annie every day since she was delivered. Little by little, I’ll get better, and be more productive getting the various things done (moving dirt to fill in holes in stalls; cleaning stalls; smoothing feed-walk ways; moving manure etc). So think of this when I ask you to share the word about The Golden Carrot - you never know who will be listening, and willing to help!
Donkeys 3
Crazily enough, TGC is now home to three donkeys! Latte, Sancho and Diablo caused quite a ruckus when they arrived - I’ve never seen hysterical fascination from the entire herd at once! The little donks handled the attention with aplomb but having 44 giants chasing was a lot, so they found a spot in the brush which they’ve made their own and use the night to explore everywhere. So far, the worst thing is that they’re small and able to get into a lot of the stalls simply by ducking under the gate chains! They don’t do that when horses are there. And they are almost as big of chow hounds as Jordan, despite being about the size of his head. Latte (mom) and her son Sancho are very approachable and like scritches; Diablo (dad) believes we’re all out to get him, but is usually first to find me begging for more food.... They are gaining weight fast, tho, and I have to find a way to restrict what feed they have access to!
They roam the property at night, but I’m going to probably erect a shelter for them in their Donkey Hollow for when the weather gets worse.... They are also escape artists! I've had to catch them and haul them back to the property twice now - but luckily I've been able to catch Latte, and the boys follow us home. I've been finding one 'donkey bolt-hole' after another and closing them up ....
Grant from ATFL for Gio
I am so grateful to report that After the Finish Line has helped us again. You will recall from earlier newsletters that poor Gio went thru a long difficult recovery from cellulitis. After his serious track injury and long months of pain as his left fetlock slowly heals and fuses, adjusting to everything new here including our uneven terrain, he had a small injury that blew up on him. But when all was said and done, his medical bills exceeded $1,000 so I asked ATFL for help and they came through! If you’re sick of helping me, take a look at their newest fundraiser - and consider helping them - ATFL helps horses all over the nation in a variety of ways.
TWO visits from DeeAnn Bradley
After a long hiatus, we were so thrilled to have DeeAnn Bradley visit TGC again. She uses that enormous camera and her artist’s eye to get such wonderful photographs of the residents here. I’m posting them a few each month on our FB page and when I can, will be posting these new photos on each horse’s page. She came in March as you probably know, but then again on June 23, to get all the shiny summer coats and those horses she missed in March. Thanks, DeeAnn, for taking the time and using your expertise to help everyone see just how beautiful these horses are....
This is Beau!/TheGoldenCarrot is our FB Page - please "Like" it for daily updates!
This is our little Fannie, still hoping for sponsors. She's on pergolide for her Cushings and like Victor has bad skin, but she's part of the Star/Medina subherd, routinely watched over by Jasper, and took the time, many days in a row, to try to befriend Jordan (her stallmate). She is very concerned with her friends, and routinely stops eating in her stall to welcome Ronan (her other stallmate) when he comes in, and was very protective of Medina when she was first injured.
And this is little Smokey - full of cancer but devoted to his equally infirm buddy Dion. Not all of Smokey's sponsors continued with their help, he could use a little more help. Might that be you, for his final years?
We got a little publicity when Jenna Hunt wrote this article for us after a visit a couple of weeks ago. (You all know that I’m not big on volunteers, since they rarely come more than a couple of times, and usually constitute more work for me, not less, but visitors ARE always welcome.) Thanks for the exposure Jenna!
And I’m thrilled to report that Ralph’s sent another check from all our shopping, and it’s TWICE what the first one was! Yay! $77 donated, at no cost to those of us who shopped at Ralphs.... - register, pick The Golden Carrot under the Community Giving tab, and everytime you shop, the horses benefit!
Horse Health Updates
I’ve had Dawn Fletcher and Laurie Henkel out for several of the horses since our last newsletter too. Poor Medina, of the fused knee, apparently took a bad tumble and was aching from head to tail. Dawn wasn’t able to help her when she was here, as the injuries were too inflamed at that time, but Laurie was able, some weeks later, to help with at least one adjustment. To tell you the truth, though, this has been very hard on our brave girl ... she’s already 3 legged and working hard to keep up with her chosen herdmates. Dominic remains faithful to her but she’s usually first back at night, and this is now several weeks post injury. I’m feeling that she continues to need painkillers and there are clearly areas where she’s still sensitive to massage or palpation... Poor baby.....
Dawn was able to make some adjustments for Shelby, who is slowly gaining weight. Between her efforts, and those of Shelby’s personal farrier, Dani, he’s making progress. He remains devoted to Corazon, and is feeling better about following her all around more often, although he frequently takes a day to stay in the arena area while she kites around the place. He’s become more certain she’ll come back to "their" stalls at night .... but still doesn’t want to go into his own until she arrives. Katja has stepped up with a small partial sponsorship for Shelby (in addition to her part sponsorship of Smokey), but he needs more support - his orchard teeny pellets are expensive and he will need to see the doc for more dental work in October. Can you help?
Several of our oldsters are causing me concern. Topper has been leaving pellets on and off - I’m pretty sure this is the loose tooth thing that happens to older horses. Ditto for Shawnee and Peanut. All elderly ladies.
Buck and Beau and Navigator are too thin and not gaining weight. i've increased their pelleted feed buckets at night, but at some point, they reach the limit of what they’ll eat and leave feed. These three are all elderly (Buck at least is well into his 30s), and big, and Beau has been through very hard times, and has bad front legs. I worry about whether I can put them thru an Anza winter, if I can’t get weight on them during the summer.... I know, I said that about Buck last year ....But for some reason he rallied last winter. Now, ailing again. He and Joyful have been 'keeping company' and that means to me that he needs protecting, rather than playing the protector for Surely. That is a sign of infirmity I haven't seen in him before, so I'm worried. And Navigator keeps having foot problems - abscessing -
Dear Navigator is going very gray
And our Queenie, although still trucking along, continues to seem stiff after her casting and cracked cervical vertebrae, and is also thinner than I’ve ever seen her.
Now, every horse I’ve listed here has been with me many years. Its harder for me to let them go after so long, but .... Right at this time these are the ones, along with Spencer and Sarge and Fannie, that I worry about most. Having said that never knows. I’m keeping as close an eye on all that I can.
I hope you will all remember us; friend/like/share for us on Facebook if you're there; tell your friends and co-workers about our mission to provide a graceful life and loving end for these horses who have given their all for humanity. They are people, truly, just like us. They have their likes and dislikes; preferences; are social or reclusive, sweeties and bullies, and for the first time in their lives, are living a more normal "horse" life, with other horses. I wonder sometimes if they're frustrated to get this chance only after they're too old, tired or injured to enjoy it. But no, that's a human thing, to be dissatisfied with something good because it's not enough. Horses love what they have today, enjoy it today, and appreciate it, today. Sometimes there are periods of adjustment. Sometimes the horses who have friends will have 'falling outs' but they either make up quickly, or make new friends. They face the future one day at a time, and hold no real grudges for past mistreatments. We can learn from them.
But they are not here, now, to help us - it's our time to step up and help them. Can you join with me to help provide the basics of life for them (a couple of square meals tailored to each horse's needs, a little protection from the elements, farrier and vet care)? We are NOT fancy here, but with your help, we can do the necessary.
Don't forget we are desperately hoping that somewhere, someone owns some land they are tired of paying taxes on, who will consider donating it to The Golden Carrot. It would be owned by TGC (not me!), and with 30 or more acres, I can not only help TGC horses (and more), but I can provide a rehab sanctuary for other rescues to give them extra room for more adoptable horses. I would also want such a facility to provide a community area for horse shows and other public interactions with the horses. Horses need space. That one thing more than anything limits what rescues can do. I look around every day at vast tracts of empty land; of nice properties lying fallow year after year after year. If you help us spread the word, maybe that one person with such a property will hear. YOU could be the future for these horses. Please join with me to speak for them. Other ways to donate can be found here: Donate/Sponsor a Horse at the Golden Carrot. I hope you can consider a small monthly donation to help. Thank you....
Dominic Jedi and Laddie playing - Boys will be boys!