The Golden Carrot Newsletter's Archive
May 2011 Newsletter
Hi, folks, hope you’ve got plans for a funfilled Memorial Day weekend!
Some of you know from Facebook that I was having problems getting some feed delivered from Sacate - the normal payment plan, through the TGC bank account at Chase, got hopelessly messed up by extra charges taken in error, and some amounts removed from the account by Chase more than once. I had to change banks, and was unwilling to give Sacate access to the bank account again. After some negotiations, FINALLY, we’ve got our Sacate deliveries working again! And the horses are thrilled - Sacate Pellet Mills truly makes a superior product, for less money. The problems continue with Chase, but I’ve written to the District Attorney’s office as well as the FDIC and hope to someday have resolution in that area.
Again from Facebook, some of you know that I’ve had real trouble getting help to put up roofs for Allie and Comet (not to mention help fixing fences and stalls). Luckily, I have plenty of blankets and in the recent very cold mini-storms I was able to keep the ladies fairly comfortable. (and last night was another cold one!) Below are the stalls I was able to put up. There is now a roof over Allie's part, thanks to neighbor Mike.
While Mike was in town yesterday, he picked up some more materials to hopefully finish these stalls. I gave him my last money for this purpose - if you’re interested in donating to something specific, $100 in lumber, and another $50 or so is expected for the rafter hangers, and nails....
Speaking of donations for specific purposes, it’s fly season, and with donations so low, I’m in need of help to get 8 more fly masks (for best prices and the type of fly mask that works best, try or - we need horse or large sizes. And it's time for fly predators ($80) (we need 4 colonies).
By the way, I had been keeping the News/Updates section of the website current with daily activities, to keep those who are not on Facebook in the loop, but I didn't get the impression too many people were looking at it. Would you like me to continue? It was my impression that only people who are already on FB were looking at it - but if you're not on FB and would like something to look at for daily information, just shoot me an email at and if I get more than one such email, I'll keep it up! "-)
The horses are doing well, very happy with their new pellets and I’ve been able to purchase a two week supply of very nice bermuda hay, but any donations towards these type purchases would be very welcome right now. Buying large amounts always brings a discount - if I could purchase 200 bales, that would get me thru to August; pellets are costing $294 a ton, and I use 1.5 tons a week. I’m covered for the next 3 weeks, but that means I have 3 weeks to save up for more. As you might guess, feed is the number one concern here - they don’t say ‘eats like a horse’ for nothing! It costs me about $850 a week to feed all 40 horses - that’s about $22 per horse for a week’s feed. Really, can you feed a person for that? Their needs are simple. Please help me meet this most basic need!
Please check out our Horses Need Homes! page and share it with any and all friends, not just those who have horses or know someone who does. These horses all came to my attention in a single week! Many of them should be able to come here to The Golden Carrot but all deserve a good home, and some have plenty of life left in them. I’ve had an empty stall for several months, but can’t take in a horse without sponsorship support. Things are just too tight.... So, if you can’t do a sponsorship in full, perhaps you could do a part sponsorship, with the folks in your office, in your class, or just your group of friends? You could save a life. The sad thing is, these people are almost all claiming financial inability to support their horses. That means, if they can’t find a home, they will send them to auction and ‘hope for the best’. But chances are much greater that not the best, but the worst will happen. A kill buyer will purchase the horse for a couple of hundred dollars and send these once-loved, well trained horses off to a brutal death. And these once-loved, well-trained and trusting horses will load right on that trailer, and walk right down that chute, terrified, to die. Can we stand by while this happens? Please share.....
A bit of bad news ...
I expect to lose Debbie and Mary soon. As you may know Mary has been failing ever since Inch died in November. And now, although she eats everything I give her, Debbie is dropping weight as well. My volunteers this weekend admitted they could see a real difference, and they were just here a month ago! On top of the pain of knowing I'll have to make this decision for them, I am struggling to be able to afford it. If anyone can donate some money for their final expenses, it would be so appreciated.
Remy and Dion have both decided to hurt themselves. Not sure how, but Dion has a gash in the middle of his chest, and Remy put a cut on his right leg, just above the knee. Neither seems the least bit disturbed by it .... but the wounds looked pretty bad! Dion is healing well and Remy's is taking a little longer - but he stood like a jewel for Lisa last night while I cleaned, remedicated and massaged his leg. Goofy guys...
A final bit of bad news is that a grant request to Petco has been rejected. Now, like a lot of grantors, they don’t grant feed money. The larger percentage of grantors I’ve been able to find only offer capital improvement grants, or emergency seizure grants etc. I think they consider feed for horses at a rescue to be ‘general operating expenses’ - in other words, I should already have enough support to do that, they want to help with something specific. So I requested money for pipecorral panels to redo my ‘falling down’ arena. As you may know, I use the arena for extra turnout and Oso is making a mockery of the fencing, taking 6-9 horses with him! He sees something on the other side, and just walks thru it! I also wanted to make it safer if I used it for lessons or general riding. Petco finally sent a quick email telling me they had too many requests and mine didn’t meet their requirements. You have to assume every outfit like this is trying to help the tornado-torn midwest and south in rebuilding barns .... And emergency hay grants are going to the south (drought) and the midwest (tornadoes and floods). But, it got me down a little, I won’t deny...
However, to end the newsletter on a positive note, I had the great pleasure of a visit from my friends and supporters, Julia, Lisa and Jan! They cleaned 31 of my stalls, scrubbed and filled water barrels, cleaned tack, and exercised, bathed and rode some horses. It was a great day, and gave me time to get this newsletter put together!
Please click on 2011 Memorial Weekend Fun
in order to see many pictures, taken by me and by our official photog DeeAnn Bradley, of this fun day! (at least, fun for me!)
This Memorial Day weekend, we usually spend time honoring the fallen soldiers of our country. I would ask that you take a second to remember these ‘old soldiers’ here at The Golden Carrot too.
Sweet Sarge
All their lives they’ve obeyed orders, and lived their lives in service of Humanity. Their final reward should be some years being a horse, living a little freer, not a horrible frightening ride to a brutal death. Just as we should honor and care for our wounded warriors, we should find it in our hearts to honor and care for these decent creatures. Just a monthly donation of $10 or $15 can make a world of difference here - could you help?