The Golden Carrot Newsletter's Archive
April 2009 NewsBlast
Hay, everyone, just a quickie to let you know a few things:
1. The Girl Scout Troop is coming on April 26, 2009, anticipated to be here at TGC around 10:30 AM, for the day. I want to give these young ladies a chance to ride this time, as well as work, and so would I appreciate anyone who can attend to do so, so I will have plenty of spotters and lead-liners to help. If enough people will come, we'll have a BBQ, and possibly a little riding demonstration!
2. As you know, I was recently exploring the possibility of placing items on Ebay to raise money for The Golden Carrot. As it turns out, there will be no store or auctions due to fee requirements, but I did manage to get The Golden Carrot registered as a non-profit on Mission Fish, the charitable arm of Ebay. Thus, if you are ever in the mood to list an Ebay auction, you can designate all or a portion of your winning bid to the charity of your choice (The Golden Carrot, of course!) in the listing form, and Mission Fish will process the proceeds and deposit them directly to The Golden Carrot's account. That being said, I really have no idea what that means (wording suggested by my eBay consultant!). Hopefully, you eBay-ers out there will know....
In addition, I would ask that anyone looking to purchase horse tack, and willing to consider gently used items, please give me a call or email to see what I have in that category - I’ll send you pictures and if you choose to buy, all proceeds go to the support of the horses!
3. Many people have asked how Surely is doing. In one word - GREAT! I’m attaching pictures taken on 3/15/09 and 4/7/09 to show her continuing healing. In addition, she’s become the "It" girl at TGC - Rocky, Bruhad, Falcon, Ronan and Beau are all courting her - although Rocky is most faithful. She has truly assimilated into the herd at last. Pictures are here.
Peanut has colicked - Fred Zadick DVM was out yesterday to oil her and I will keep you posted. She's looking better this morning, but did not eat all of her dinner. Have a good thought for this sweet mare.... A note: As Peanut suffered the indignities of a hose down her nose, her friends Anna and Dion kicked up a rumpus in the field. They called and ran back and forth to keep her in view .... It made me pretty happy to know that this lovely horse, so timid and self-effacing, enjoys the friendship of this duo. She was too long alone.....
Finally, there is some new stuff on the Anti-Slaughter page - one piece of good news I didn't have an article for is that the Montana Governor kicked back the proposed legislation to open slaughterhouses in that state requesting amendments be made. I don't think the amendments relate to slaughter, but they do eliminate those parts of the bill which required anyone who wanted to challenge the slaughterhouses to post expensive bonds. Hopefully, if these efforts continue, the governor can be convinced to veto any future bills. Everday, trusting sweethearts like Surely go to die a heinous death. We must turn up the heat, convincing our representatives to truly represent our interests.
I look forward to seeing a bunch of you on April 26 .....Please shoot me an email or phone to let me know if you're coming....