Our First Annual Chacha Memorial Open House - Yardsale - BBQ
was held on June 18-19. Chacha passed away on June 17, and was on all our minds during the weekend.
With only a couple of weeks to prepare, Carolyn Puga offered to work the yardsale for me, the Press Enterprise did a News Alert for us, fliers were prepared and distributed at high speed, and items for the yardsale were gathered. Carolyn brought Nadine, Shirley and Kaitlyn to help - Shirley handled the $ at the sale, Nadine took those interested visitors on a tour of the ranch on Lou, Kaitlyn fed apples to the horses. Mike Roth operated the BBQ. And volunteers Lisa and Julia, Jan and Alexa cleaned stalls and bathed horses!
Wierdly, we ended up the first day with about twice as much to sell as we had when we started! More people stopped by with stuff to sell, than bought anything. And the first day was our only real moneymaker, because Sunday was Father's Day. (In fact, I had a visitor on Monday whose 87 year old dad wanted to come for Father's Day but was overruled by the family who had other plans ... hum.... I think he enjoyed the one on one attention he got on Monday tho!) After expenses for the BBQ, some sales and many donations, we raised $735 for the horses! THANK YOU WITH ALL MY HEART to all those who helped out - I could never have done all this alone....
We didn't assign, with all the hubbub, anyone to get pictures, but here's what we got.
This is the first setup of yardsale stuff
More of the first set up
At this point, I think you can see the goods for sale have expanded. We did end up with three truckloads of stuff to dispose of AFTER the sale!
Below, I am looking like a dictator, trying to direct my volunteers to the different tasks. What's with that limpwristed point?
A buyer.... we hope:
The Bathing Crew (Lisa, Julia, Alexa and Jan) considers their next victim...
And yes, Oso stands patiently as yet ANOTHER volunteer crew bathes him. I bet he is feeling a little self-conscious ... why does EVERYONE want to bathe him? Because he's adorable, that's why!
And here Prophet and Topper enjoy a cool bath together .... ahhh, the spa! Alexa and Julia handle Prophet, and Lisa and Jan take care of Topper.
This was a scene often repeated during the day - Nadine and Kaitlyn noodling with the horses. Here Beau and Navigator ask for treats...
And here visitors patiently await lunch....
I hope next year, with a little more preparation, and choosing a weekend withOUT another competing holiday, to have a bigger turnout ... but was pleased at the support for The Golden Carrot. Please plan to attend!