July 2nd was Julia's birthday, and her wish was to bring 5 of her best friends to The Golden Carrot; have them donate to the horses rather than get her presents, and help her help the horses for a day! This was encouraged by her mom Lisa who carpooled the girls out here; brought a picnic lunch for them including scrumptious brownies; and not only took these photographs, but helped with the washing, organization and sun-block application! So on July 8, the girls worked hard - they washed, with soap, TWENTY FIVE HORSES! In addition, they created nameplates for horses who didn't have one; and distributed 64 buckets of feed! I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I and the horses enjoyed having these lovely girls visit.

This is the birthday crew!

The day was hot, and the assignment was Bathing Horses, so the girls changed into their swimsuits and we got started:

The girls start with Sara, while Joyful waits her turn.

These two mares were thrilled to be at the spa, and we had a real assemblyline going - one hosing, one holding, one scrubbing....

Joyful finally gets her turn...

Buck's height required special measures - the only way to clean his mane and topline was .... direct application of a bather!

And even twitchy Navigator relaxed and enjoyed a bath...

At this point, I think Lisa was too hot for photos, and she began helping the girls in one bath crew, while I supervised the other. By the time everyone was exhausted, 25 horses were clean and happy! Next, some of the girls began making nameplates:

The girls did nameplates for Dion, Song, Star, Rocky, Lew and Duke. Give me a little time and I will post an individual picture of each completed nameplate on the page of the horse it was made for....

Some finished nameplates:

Then a brownie break....

The day was winding down, and the girls worked together to bring buckets to hungry clean horses....

Peanut gets her dinner while Dion waits impatiently...

And Ronan doesn't think he should have to wait at all...

The girls team up to feed Mary and Debbie simultaneously...

And finally, the day was done.

It was a wonderful day, and I think the girls learned a little something about horses, as well as having some fun. I hope to see them again, maybe even before summer ends....
Thank you Julia.