I want to thank Sierra's parents, my neighbor Mike, and Lisa and Julia Brozek and Kaylee Allen for coming with us to help. This would not have been possible without you!
Here my sweet Prophet carries little Nev on her first ride, while Mike escorts them.
This pic was cute because you can't see Sierra leading Joyful - it looks like Dexter got it the first ride! Below, is little Nev on Prophet. I suspect my face looked like that the first time I got on a horse! "-)
The Judge watched them carefully. And you can see they behaved very well.
Now, some Pictures of Sierra riding Prophet in their one flat class. They brought home a red ribbon. Poor Sierra suffered from the bright sun, but Prophet was stylin'!
Sweet, huh? This old guy was my favorite trail horse, with his long-legged walk and bone deep curiosity - any trail was ok, any incident was interesting - he's the best. I'm too big for him now, but Sierra and he did great.
Sierra and Joy walk around pre-show
Sierra and Joy in the warmup ring
Mike and Prophet take Nev around the ring
Prophet styling for Sierra
And calm as milk for little Nev
Jules and Kaylee babysit Joyful
Kaylee watching Prophet
Sierra and Joy at the walk
And doing a lovely trot
But alas, no ribbon this time.
Awaiting rideabuck, last class of the day
at the walk,
at the trot
and astonishingly losing the buck at the canter!
Sierra and Joyful have only worked together for 2 months (perhaps 16 lessons). Joyful got fit, and Sierra began to learn to ride in the English style. For her 19 years she's been an extremely capable, self-taught, survivor-type trail rider - now, we're gonna get the riding skills to match her heart! Watch for us in the May show, if not before .... I suspect Sierra will join Joyful, and perhaps other Golden Carrot horses, in bringing home some ribbons!